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Relevance Project Revenue Resources include data-backed shopping stats, circulation calculator

For five of the Revenue Resource categories — Heating and Air Conditioning Services, Banks, Jewelry Stores, Opticians or Eyeglass Stores, and Continuing Education Services — newspaper publishers can obtain - at no charge - access to household buying research presented in a teaser graphic as well as free creative services that provide up to 10 options for personalized ads that sales reps can take to potential clients.
The Pulse component features an audience shopping calculator. When a circulation total is entered, publishers can see the value of their audiences - whether the newspaper is a 2,000-circulation weekly or a 40,000-circulation daily. The household total interested in buying that particular product or service varies with the market size.
Pulse Research provides the data from a shopping survey conducted during the pandemic. The creative work comes from Metro’s library of designs, templates and promotions. 
For more information about Relevance Project resources, click here. To see the circulation  calculator, click here.