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Oct. 26 tech session

Register now for Digiversity tech session Oct. 26

Are you having challenges with photos or laying out your pages? Do you have issues when building ads, or it just seems too slow? Do you have problems with your workflow or creating PDFs for production and print? Do you…well…the list can go on and on as to the many challenges newspapers face while producing each issue.

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, the upcoming Newspaper Technology Roundtable is for you, and your staff. Russell and Julia Viers present a special episode of LIVE that is just for newspapers and the attendees get to decide what topics are covered. Join in to ask your questions, add suggestions, or just see what others are doing.

Who knows where the discussions will lead, but most content will be directed toward Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat/PDF, Illustrator, Bridge/Camera Raw, InCopy, and even how they work with other, non-Adobe, software.

Mark your calendars for Oct. 26, 10 a.m. CDT.

This event will be held on ZOOM and you can preregister at this link:

If you have specific files you would like to use on the show, as examples of your problems or issues, you can upload them in advance of the show here:

