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<p><span style="color: #000000;"><img style="margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 30px; float: left;" src="images/stories/ebulletin/golden50.gif" alt="golden50" width="149" height="153" /></span></p>
<p><span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;">TPA's Golden 50 Award honors men and women who have displayed exemplary service and selfless contributions to journalism for 50 or more years. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;">The association presented the first Golden 50 Award in 1963. Recipients will be honored at the TPA Annual Awards Luncheon on Saturday, June 20, 2015 in Austin. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;">To nominate an industry veteran download the <a href="images/stories/conventions/golden50%20nominationform.pdf">nomination form</a> and return it to TPA Executive Director <a href="">Mike Hodges</a> by April 24, 2015.<br /></span></p>

Golden 50 — 1991

1991 Recipient

112th Summer Convention, June 28, 1991, Marriott Bayfront Hotel, Corpus Christi

Fred V. Barbee Jr.

Fred V. Barbee Jr. is a newspaper man. Always has been. Always will be. He's definitely got ink in his blood, and it is tinted burnt orange.

Fred's entry into newspapering was a textbook example. He started out by throwing them. First the morning editions of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and later in the day, his hometown newspaper, the Brownwood Bulletin. This was in 1940 when Fred was 12. And he was hooked. In no time at all, he was promoted to printer's devil and janitor at the Bulletin. That was when he was 13. It was genetics; Fred's father was mechanical superintendent at the Bulletin until his death in 1963.

After finishing schools in Brownwood, this young printer's devil earned his BBA from The University of Texas at Austin in 1951. During his senior year, Fred managed to marry Eleanor McColl of Brownwood who worked with him side by side at various newspapers and radio stations until her death in 1980.

While at the university, Fred worked his way through school as a printer at the University Press printing the Daily Texan five nights a week. That's where the orange mixed with the printer's ink.

Fred left Austin in 1952 to work in the advertising department of the Miami (Okla.) News-Record. And his talent was already shining. Earlier, his work had caught the eye of C.C. Woodson, an old friend from Brownwood, who told the young man to go west to publish the six-day Lamesa Daily Reporter. Fred was 23, and already an 11 year veteran in the newspaper business. And he must have done a pretty good job because he held the position in Lamesa until 1957.

From 1957 to 1968 he was publisher and co-owner with C.C. Woodson of the Seminole Sentinel and co-owner and operator of radio station KTFO in Seminole from 1960 to 1968.

Since 1968, you can see Fred's tracks lots of places: partnership with UT roommate Dick Elam in properties in El Campo and nearby environs. That includes president and co-owner of Bar-B Broadcasting in El Campo; president and publisher and co-owner of the El Campo Leader-News; publisher and co-owner of the Wharton Journal-Spectator; former co-owner of the Edna Herald and Ganado Tribune until they were sold in 1982.

That's a busy professional life. But Fred also has found time to give something back to the profession that chose him. He has been active in many professional associations, serving as president of most, including the Texas Press Association, the West Texas Press Association, the South Texas Press Association, the Gulf Coast Press Association and an active member of both the National Newspaper Association and the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

Throughout his career, Fred has found time for his alma mater and has lent his time and talent toward helping future newspaper men and men. He has served on the Advisory Council of the College of Communication Foundation at UT-Austin since 1980 (with a one year hiatus) and served as chairman in 1984-85.

At home in El Campo, he's been busy with a host of civic organizations: past president of the Rotary Club and is a Paul Harris awardee with 22 years of perfect attendance; served as board member of the El Campo Chamber of Commerce; currently serves on the board of the El Campo Economic Development Corporation, the Wharton County Historical Museum and the Memorial Hospital in El Campo.

In 1981, Fred married Peggy Porterfield, a lady he describes then and now as his best friend.

Fred has four children. And not surprisingly, each is a Longhorn graduate:

Chris Barbee is managing editor of the El Campo Leader-News and a third generation newspaperman; David Barbee is a senior buying executive with Foley's Department Stores in Houston; Karon Barbee, a CPA, is chief financial officer for Texas United Petroleum in Dallas; and Kelly Porterfield is in computer publications in the Department of Afro-American Studies at UT-Austin.

Plus, there are two grandchildren, gifts of Chris and Carol: Jonathan is 10 and Julie Ann is 7.

There you have it. A portrait of a Texas newspaper family. Good folks. Good friends. Good just to be around. Congratulations, Fred.

Golden 50 — 1990

1990 Recipients

111th Summer Convention, June 23, 1990, St. Anthony Hotel, San Antonio

Joe Fietsam, Floresville Chronicle-Journal
Hallie Stillwell, Alpine Avalanche
Neil Vanzant, Gaines County News
Zaner Robison Benetin, Royse City American

Joe Fietsam

Looking for type lice was part of Joe Fietsam's first newspaper job at the New-Era Herald in Hallettsville, September, 1934. After exterminating the type lice without poison, Joe mastered the folder, the hand-fed press and nearly every model of the lino-intertype. He was tutored by his uncle, the late Leo Strauss, who had bought the paper from the late R. W. Meitzen, and transferred part of the Hallettsville Herald name to the New Era.

Joe had a big year in 1939. He married the former Marjorie E. Hemmi and got a job with the El Campo News. After several months, the couple returned to Hallettsville where Joe resumed his duties at the New-Era Herald. They moved again to the Kerrville Mountain Sun where Joe became an ad man with Mrs. W. A. Salter, the publisher.

The war came along and altered everyone's plans. Joe and Marge moved to work for the Bellville Times, published by the Zeiske family with Franz W. Zeiske, publisher. This adventure lasted until Joe heeded a call from his mother, the late Mrs. F. J. (Tile) Fietsam of the Shiner Gazette.

The move to Shiner lasted from 1942 to 1944 when "Uncle Sam" called Joe to the service. He served 22 months: 14 months in Camp Hood and the remainder in Fort Sill, Okla.. At Camp Hood, he published the "Firing Line," the only printed newspaper at either South or North Camp Hood. While at Fort Sill, Joe was attached to the printing department and was one of four mimeograph operators who cut over one million orders per month as the soldiers were dismissed or transferred.

After his discharge, Joe and Marge had a brief intermission (two weeks) and once again another move, this time to a job with the Sealy News. After three years in Sealy, Joe and Marge bought the Calvert Tribune. While in Calvert, Joe became a charter member of the Calvert Lions Club.

After a brief three years, he was bought out by A. M. Cohen, owner of the Fort Bend Reporter. Joe then yielded to the offer to move and became part-owner of the Fort Bend Reporter. While in Rosenberg, he served as Grand Knight of the Fort Bend County Council for 16 months.

However, another move was in the making as members of the Cohen family moved to Rosenberg. So Joe and Marge sold their interest in the Reporter and moved to Columbus where they headquartered while publishing the New Ulm Enterprise. They bought the paper from the Muenzler family. Nine years later, the couple sold the Enterprise and moved again.

The family: Joe, Marge, their two sons, Don and Jimmy and Jimmy's wife, Mary, and daughter, moved to Floresville and purchased the historic Chronicle-Journal, which was established Jan. 26, 1887.

Today, the Fietsams are owners and publishers of the Chronicle-Journal and the La Vernia News. And they are teaching their grandchildren, Beth, David and Karen, the joys of searching for type lice.

Along this journey, back in 1949, Marge received her baptism in the country weekly newspaper game. She's been a working with Joe side-by-side ever since. Joe attributes all his success to the help and support of his wonderful partner.

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Hallie Stillwell

Being legendary is becoming to Hallie Stillwell. She is probably the most famous rancher/newspaper columnist in West Texas. Since her husband died in 1948, she has been running the 22,000-acre Stillwell Ranch way out in Big Bend country and crafting her column for the Alpine Avalanche which she began writing in 1930.

Texas Monthly featured Hallie in their April 1990 article on the "Grand Dames" of Texas. "They know that power is their prerogative and age is their ally. And don't you forget it," Texas Monthly headlined.

"...she drives herself up to the Stillwell general store, which the family still operates outside Alpine. There, seated on a wooden chair like a wise old queen, she entertains visitors with stories about her early days in ranching, when she lived in a one-room house with her husband and three cowboys, went on cattle drives, survived droughts, and shot a mountain lion between the eyes. People stare at her, mesmerized by her vast antiquity and the ease with which she plays her role as the mother of West Texas."

Hallie has been a stringer for a number of news organizations: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 1958-72; San Angelo Standard-Times, 1960-72; and the San Antonio Express, 1960-72. Plus she was a reporter for United Press International from 1960-72. Hallie is so well respected that she writes different columns for competing publications in the same town: "Ranch News" for the Alpine Avalanche and "Hallie Remembers" for the Alpine Avalanche.

She's written one book and co-authored another. "I'll Gather My Geese" has been accepted for publication by Texas A&M Press and, in 1958, she co-authored "How Come It's Called That," published by New Mexico University Press.

As a younger woman, Hallie was a primary education teacher at Presidio, 1916-17, and at Marathon, 1917-18. She was elected to the Marathon school board from 1919 until 1932. Admirers suspect she is still a teacher today.

She was a Justice of the Peace in Brewster County for 15 years and has devoted 40 years as a lecturer to organizations throughout Texas. Mrs. Stillwell is a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Cattle Women's Association, American Legion Auxiliary and United Women's Press. Somehow, this busy, remarkable woman found time to learn to fly. She is a member of the Pilot Club of Alpine and Pilot Club International.

The lady loves West Texas. Recently, she told visitors, "I've been staring at the same countryside, the same patches of land, for years and years and it still looks different every time. I've still got a lot to look at, so I don't have time to feel old."

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Neil Vanzant

Journalism and Neil Vanzant are inseparable; one compliments the other. The mutual admiration began in 1925 when young Neil, just out of journalism school, boarded a ship bound for Japan where he became an ad salesman for the Japan Advertiser, English-speaking newspaper in Tokyo.

During his four-year stint in Japan, Neil helped write history as he observed: a ring-side seat during the solemn and year-long ceremonies of burying an emperor... the equally long ceremonies enthroning Emperor Hirohito...a ride on a cruiser behind the new emperor as he reviewed the Japanese grand fleet off Yokohama Bay... a climb to the top of Mount Fuji... a wayout dinner at the home of a White Russian baroness following midnight mass at a Greek Orthodox cathedral at Easter... attendance at the emperor's garden party.

On newspaper business, Neil has traveled around the world... Italy, France, Germany, Scandanavia and England... plus roulette at Monte Carlo, basking on the beach at Nice and visiting a Copenhagen family for a week.

During the war, he was on the beach at Leyte when Gen. Douglas MacArthur waded ashore for his date with history. Once, at Pearl Harbor, he was detailed to the security guard for FDR, MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz in a secret meeting.

Neil uncovered an informant, a former newspaper man, who knew more about the beaches of Okinawa, as a shell collector, than any other American. That amazing story later appeared as an episode on the "Navy Log" television series.

From that exciting beginning, Neil has had a window on the world from a journalist's viewpoint. And he gives credit to his profession for a lifetime of opportunity. Neil once wrote the newspaper business "has given me an opportunity to see and hear every president since Hoover, to sit in on press conferences with candidates such as Richard Nixon, Harold Stassen, Barry Goldwater and assorted politicians in lesser offices."

Stateside, Neil packed his life with professional development and community service. Here is a brief calendar: ad layout, Dallas Times Herald, 1925; ad sales, Japan Advertiser, Tokyo, 1925-29; ad manager, Canadian Record, 1930-31; manager, South Plains Farmer, Lubbock, 1931-35; ad director, Childress Index, 1935-42; U. S. Navy, 1942-45; publisher, Gaines County News, Seagraves, 1946-67 (plus he maintained part ownership until November, 1989); editor, Pioneer Book Publishers, Seagraves, 1976-present.

On the community side, Neil lent his talents and experience while serving as president of a host of organizations: Childress Lions Club; Seagraves-Loop Community Chest; Permian Historical Society; Gaines County Golf Club; South Plains Press Association; and West Texas Press Association. He is a charter member of the Texas Publishers Association; Officer in Charge, Naval Reserve Intelligence Unit, Lubbock; and author of The Beachcomber and the Beachhead, U. S. Naval Institute.

"Don't sell newspapering short as an occupation for the youngsters coming out of school," Neil advises. "How would you like to be a dentist?"

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Zaner Robison Benetin

Founding newspapers is second nature to Zaner Robison Benetin. She and her husband, Bob, opened the Tawakoni News in August, 1963. But they both had a running start.

They started the Caddo Mills Enterprise in 1940. And Bob had begun his newspaper career at age nine in 1913 when he started working for his two uncles at their Kosse Cyclone in Limestone County.

Zaner and Bob assisted Dr. A. Burton in establishing the Royse City American in 1942 and purchased the paper a few months later.

"You had to meet certain requirements to open a newspaper," Zaner noted. "You had to have 240 subscribers before you could get a permit." Smiling, Zaner related to how they first solved that problem. "We went to the town homecoming that year, and that's where we got our list."

She has fond memories of her newsgathering days in an area populated by about 700 people (counting cats and dogs).

Her experience spans the time of handset type through hot metal and finally to offset. She began with handset type at her newspaper in Caddo Mills and could set two-and-a-half galleys. Throwing it back in was the part she hated. But she lived through the hot metal days of three Linotypes at Royse City.

"The fishermen around the lake were good about letting me have their news. I used to love going down to the docks to get the news. I certainly heard a lot of fish stories, though."

The couple kept the newspapers for ten years and then sold to Southern Newspapers of Baytown.

Bob died on January 20, 1975.

Zaner remarried on December 27, 1979, to John Benetin. They went to Puerto Rico but Zaner was called back into the newspaper business by U.S. Rep. Ralph Hall to assist him with his newspaper, the Lakeside American.

Determined to keep a newspaper in Royse City, Zaner helped the Greenville Herald Banner start the Royse City Leader in 1982 in her living room. When they ceased publication in December 1986, two weeks later Zaner, again determined to keep a newspaper in Royse City, assisted Bill Slaughter in starting the Royce City News--once again from her living room. She continues as its central operating figure today on Main Street in Royse City. And, true to form, she still feels an attachment to the Tawakoni News.

When asked her definition of a good paper versus a bad one, Zaner said, "You carry the local news. It doesn't take just a minute to cover the things going on around you, but you've got to take that minute.

"And a good picture with a sharp cutline is worth half a page. Anyway, that's what I believe." Amen.

Golden 50 — 1989

1989 Recipients

110th Summer Convention, June 23, 1989, Sheraton Centre Park Hotel Arlington

Harlan Bridwell, Bridgeport Index
William K. Todd, Todd Publications Inc.

Harlan Bridwell

Harlan Bridwell first experienced the fatal attraction of the newspaper business at the age of nine, in a communist colony in Louisiana.

Harlan's father was plant superintendent of the colony's newspaper and print shop and Harlan was put to work there doing odd jobs and learning the art of bandsetting type.

The Bridwell family lived in the experimental colony for a little less than a year in the 1920s, long enough for Harlan to feel the flow of ink in his veins, and for the family to learn the socialist philosophy did not coincide with the principles of free thought and personal responsibility they cherished.

Later in his adolescent years, Harlan worked on his uncle's newspaper, the Dumas (Ark.) Clarion.

In 1938, Harlan started his own newspaper at Forestburg, Texas, population 75. The Forestburger (named by a local woman after Harlan asked residents to suggest a name), chronicled the births and deaths, business and social activities of the area.

The press and three cases of used type used to produce the paper were bought on credit for $30. The first issue of The Forestburger contained $3.17 worth of advertising.

The 10x14 inch newsprint had to be handfolded before it could be printed on the 7x10 inch foot pedal press, and printed one page at a time. It was then folded back the other way to print the other two pages.

Harlan, 20-year-son of L.H. and Elizabeth Bridwell, did all the work getting out the newspaper, from handsetting the type, which later had to be replaced in the typecases one letter at a time, to selling the ads.

Virtually all the advertising came from merchants in Bowie, Gainesville, Muenster and Saint Jo. Harlan was without a car much of the time and hitchhiked rides from obliging neighbors to area towns. When he hitched a ride on the milk truck going to Muenster, he always helped unload the cans so he wouldn't feel like he was bumming the ride.

Bridwell enlisted in the army in 1940. During the years of World War II, the Forestburger was published by his sister, Dorothy, and, for a time by his brother, Dario. After Dario left for army duty in 1942, Dorothy, with help from her parents, assumed the responsibility of the paper until Harlan's release from military duty at the end of the war.

Shortly after his return, Harlan, who had by this time acquired a wife and baby, bought an 11x17 platen press and enlarged the size of the newspaper page. Later, he started publishing the paper weekly rather than every two weeks. He moved his family into the back of the shop for wife Rosemary's convenience in alternating care of infant son, Keith, with her new job as typesetter.

Next, Harlan introduced a new front page feature he called Shootin' Blind, a column he has continued to write in newspapers he has published over the years.

The Forestburger ceased publication in 1952, when Bridwell moved to Bellevue, in Clay County, to establish the Bellevue News.

Bridwell's six years in Bellevue were active and fruitful ones. He was elected mayor in 1954 and was serving his second term when he resigned in 1957 after purchasing the Bridgeport Index. He served two terms as Master of Bellevue's Masonic Lodge.

When Bridwell, now the father of four children and feeling the need to seek wider fields that might prove more profitable, decided to buy the Index, Bridgeport was getting ready to enter a period of long-awaited prosperity.

The severe drought of the 1950s had depleted the area resources. Wells in a newly discovered gas field had been capped, awaiting Federal Power Commission approval for Natural Gas Pipeline Company to construct a pipeline from Bridgeport to Fritch in West Texas.

In March 1956, Mayor George Harwood led a delegation of Bridgeport businessmen to Washington to appear before the FPC, stating the importance of opening the gas field to Bridgeport's economy. On December 4, 1956, the commission granted approval. Boom times were ahead for Bridgeport.

At the Index, however, the Depression still reigned and four-page papers were the norm. Advertising, at 30 cents a column inch, was regarded by most merchants as a luxury benefiting nobody but the owner of the newspaper. Bridwell's campaign to enlighten the business community on the advantages of advertising was to be a long and arduous one.

Over the years, the tab size paper gained support in the community, and Shootin' Blind had maintained a high readership rating.

In 1960, Bridwell converted from hot-type to the offset method of printing, the first newspaper owner in a wide area of North Texas to do so.

These were exciting times for Bridgeport, when drilling crews poured into the Minute Coffee Shop at all hours of the night, primed for coffee and a hot meal, garnished with plenty of exuberant horseplay. Money flowed along with the gas and oil in what was believed to be a never ending abundance.

The Index published several Progress editions (one a hefty 96 pages) during these prosperous years, with most features, pictures and ads focused on oil related businesses and the rock crushing industry, a large contributor to the Bridgeport area's economy. Downtown retail businesses got their share of publicity, as did the hospital, schools, churches, etc.

As spokesman for his newspaper, Harlan has always met issues head-on, speaking the truth as he saw it even when he knew his position was at odds with popular opinion. His outspoken editorials gained him the reputation of "the fighting editor," a political conservative, and some other labels that, he says, wouldn't do to print.

As recently as last year, one of hid detractors told him, "You've been holding this town back for the last 20 years."

"That's not right, "Harlan replied. "It's been 30 years."

The Bridwell humor that Harlan will probably be most remembered for has more than once had untoward repercussions. In a Shootin' Blind column 15 to 20 years ago, he described a giant jackrabbit he claimed to have seen leaping over oak trees two stories tall. The animal had rampaged through the country and had been guilty of slaughtering 15 calves belonging to a farmer near Paradise, among other outrages. The incidents were described in terms so blatantly unbelievable, Harlan was stunned to find that many people took the story for the truth. Even the Index employee who set the type for the story and was in on the joke from the start, grew quite nervous and upset that such a creature was abroad.

All of the Bridwell's children-Keith, Doug, Stan and Melanie-have worked on weekly newspapers and both

Keith and Doug are former Index editors. Keith, the oldest son, is editor and publisher of the Frisco Enterprise where Stan works in the printing department.

In addition to the three newspapers he now publishes the Index, the Chico Texan and the Wise County Shopper. Harlan has owned the Tioga Herald, the Iowa Park Rocket, the Frisco Enterprise, the Celina Record, the Ryan (Okla.) Leader, the Bellevue News and the Forestburger.

Harlan is a past president of the North and East Texas Press Association; a former director and first vice president of the West Texas Chamber of Commerce; and has served two terms as president of the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce. He is chairman of the Bridgeport Public Library Trust Fund Committee, which is currently involved in building a new library in Bridgeport.

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William K. Todd

William K. "Bill" Todd's 54-year career in journalism can literally be described as a nationwide venture that has spanned from the farmlands of Illinois to the logging camps of Oregon, from the snow drifts of Michigan to the tropics of South Texas.

Bill Todd began his journalistic career in 1935 when he joined the Rockford (Ill.) Register Republic as a cub reporter. He remained in Rockford only one year however before moving to Chicago in 1936 to work for the Chicago Herald Examiner. During this time, he also attended Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. (1935-36), and Loyola University in Chicago (1936-37).

Bill's career shifted from reporting to circulation in 1937 when he moved to the timberlands of Oregon to become circulation distribution manager of the Portland News Telegram. To his credit, circulation figures were noticeably increased simply by assuring that evening editions were off the press and on the final train heading into the logging camps.

While circulation seemed to become his niche in life, Oregon didn't. His desire to return to the Midwest took Bill back to Illinois where he became circulation manager of the Wheaton Daily Journal in 1938, and then co-circulation manager of the Gary (Ind.) Post Tribune in 1939. It was while he was in Gary that Bill claimed Dorothy Marion Davies as his bride. Their marriage produced a family of six children, two of whom are currently involved in the family newspaper and printing businesses in Texas.

The outbreak of World War II sidelined Bill's newspaper career when his National Guard unit was activated in 1941. Bill became a member of the U.S. Army and advanced to the rank of major while serving in the Pacific Theater.

In 1947, Todd returned to civilian life and rejoined the Rockford (Ill.) Consolidated Newspapers as circulation promotion manager. During his tenure there, he advanced to circulation manager, business manager and associate publisher under his publisher-father, E. Kenneth Todd. In 1952, the Todds purchased Rockford Consolidated Newspapers from the McCormick family of Chicago and retained ownership of The Rockford Morning Star and the Rockford Register Republic until 1967 when both papers were sold to the Gannett Corp.

Bill remained with the Rockford papers under Gannett ownership, serving as president and publisher until 1971 when he "retired" and began planning his Texas newspaper venture. In April 1972, Bill moved his family to Austin and established Todd Publications, Inc. Within one year, he purchased The Cuero Daily Record, The Smithville Times, The Schulenburg Sticker and The Round Rock Leader. In addition, he established two central printing plants, one in Cuero and the other in Smithville. Currently, Bill serves as president of Todd Publications, Inc., which includes The Round Rock Leader and Todd Web Press in Smithville.

In addition to his newspaper interests, Bill has been active in Texas politics and has served an elected term as chairman of the Travis County Republican Party. Through the years, Todd served on numerous committees of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, Inland Daily Press Association, the Texas Press Association, the Central States Circulation Manager's Association and the International Circulation Manager's Association.

Golden 50 — 1988

109th Summer Convention, June 24, 1988, The Four Seasons Hotel, Austin

Milton Autry, Chronicle & Democrat Voice, Coleman
William L. "Bill" Howell, The Shamrock Texan
William H. Klusmeier, Kerrville Daily Times
Samuel S. Malone, Sabine County Reporter/Rambler

Milton Autry

Milton Autry, publisher of the Chronicle & Democrat-Voice in Coleman, began his career in newspapers in January 1933, when he helped his dad get out the first edition of the Coleman County Chronicle. He's been associated with the newspaper since, except for five years while he was either in school or in the military.

Autry grew up in newspaper offices. Previously, his father, the late R.A. Autry, had published the Blanket Signal from 1918-1923, and the Cross Plains Review from 1923-1928. Milton performed several chores around those offices, but he was hardly called a staffer at the time.

At age 13, his family moved to Coleman and he worked in the print shop and in the editorial department. He occasionally sold ads, which is typical of small weekly operations. His writing began with sports, but before long he served as editor. He went on to attend The University of Texas at Austin and Texas Tech University.

Autry served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II, reaching the rank of Major. When he returned home after the war, in late 1945, he became a partner in the newspaper with his father. Later, his brother, Roy Autry Jr., joined the business.

In 1951, the Coleman Democrat-Voice was purchased and in recent years has been merged with the Chronicle into the semi-weekly Chronicle & Democrat-Voice. Currently, Milton is in partnership with his nephew, Brett Autry, and his niece's husband, Stan Brudney.

In April, Milton was honored with the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award, presented at the local chamber of commerce banquet. The award was based on many years of varied civic involvement.

He is a former member of the Kiwanis Club (he found it necessary to drop that membership when the newspaper began publishing on the same day the club met); a charter member and past president of the Rotary Club; past president of the Coleman Country Club; president of the museum board for 15 years; member of the Coleman County Historical Committee for several terms; and chairman of the Coleman County Centennial Committee (held in 1958).

Autry also served three terms as a director of the local chamber of commerce, two years as an officer; was campaign director of the United Fund twice; and was a board member of the Coleman County Red Cross.

He worked with a local group which secured approval of the existing State Highway 206 from Coleman to Cisco, and was involved in securing the National Guard Armory back in the 1950s. Autry has been active in industrial development since 1960 and is currently vice president of Coleman Development Co.

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William L. "Bill" Howe

William L. "Bill" Howe, publisher and editor of The Shamrock Texan, accepted his first newspaper job just two years after graduating from high school. He began selling subscriptions to the Minden (La.) Herald in 1934.

One year later, Howe became Webster Parish editor for the Federal Writers Project in Minden. He was responsible for writing copy about his area of the state for use in the Louisiana Guide Book.

With this bit of writing experience under his belt, Howe took advantage of an opportunity (unusual during the Depression) to become a clerk in the Chief Engineer's Department of the Louisiana & Arkansas Railway in Minden and later in Shreveport. He worked his way up to the position of private secretary to the chief engineer.

The Military Railway Service sought his services in 1941 and provided him continuous employment in Louisiana, Ohio, Africa and Italy for the next five years as chief warrant officer. In addition to serving as personnel officer of the 753rd Railway Shop Battalion for most of four years, he was named managing editor of the battalion newspaper, Scraps, which he described as "a delightful experience."

While serving in the U.S. Army, Howe met Margaret Haaser in Bucyrus, Ohio, where his unit rehabilitated and operated the New York Central Railroad shops. Following the war, Bill and Margaret were married. They celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary on April 27.

After his discharge from the service in 1945, Howe moved back home and accepted a job as editor of the Minden Herald and the Webster Review in Louisiana. He held those jobs until entering the University of Missouri, during the summer session of 1946, to study journalism.

As a student at Missouri from 1946-1948, Howe worked as an ad salesman and reporter for The Columbia Daily Missourian, published by the journalism school. He received a bachelor of journalism degree in advertising, with a minor in news, in 1948.

Howe joined The Shamrock Texan in August 1948, as advertising manager. He became editor of the weekly in 1971, upon the death of his partner, Arval Montgomery.

A member in Kappa Thu Alpha, the scholastic journalism fraternity, he is also a member in Alpha Delta Sigma, professional advertising fraternity, and the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi.

As a community leader, Howe served 12 years as chairman of the troop committee of Boy Scout Troop 76. He was elected to four terms as a member of the board of directors of the Shamrock Chamber of Commerce. He has also been a director of the Panhandle Press Association, in the 1950s.

Howe is best known around Shamrock for his personal column, "Here's Howe," the St. Patrick's Day edition of the The Texan, which is printed on green newsprint, and the green Donegal beard he wears to promote the annual Irish celebration.

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William H. Klusmeier

William H. Klusmeier, management consultant and recently retired director of advertising and marketing for the Kerrville Daily Times, began his career in the advertising department of the Evansville (Ind.) Evening Press while a student at the American Academy in Chicago.

A native of Evansville, he joined the retail advertising staff of the Evansville Morning Courier upon graduation in 1938. After the merger of the Evansville newspapers in 1939, Klusmeier stayed on the combined advertising staff as art director until 1941.

Klusmeier joined the Rockford (Ill.) Newspapers in June 1941 as staff artist and retail advertising sales rep. He entered the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1943 and served in the special services division until he was discharged as a tech sergeant in 1946.

He returned to Rockford and to the advertising department of the Register-Republic and Morning Star.

In 1947, he was named promotion manager, a position he held for 10 years.

During this period, Klusmeier conducted civic events and sports promotions for the newspapers and the Rockford Newspaper Charities. He served as secretary treasurer and a director of that organization. While promoting the City of Rockford, through the newspaper's various campaigns, he originated the character "Rocky Rockford" and the slogan "Remarkable Rockford."

Klusmeier became director of circulation and promotion in 1957. He was circulation director for five years.

In September 1961, he was promoted to business manager of Rockford Newspapers Inc. and was executive vice president of radio station WROK, when operated by the newspapers. He was elected assistant secretary of Rockford Newspapers on Jan. 4, 1962, and made general manager in May 1967, shortly after the newspapers were purchased by the Gannett Co.

Klusmeier was a long-time member of the National Newspaper Promotion Association, serving as central region vice president and then president. He was active in the Central States Circulation Managers Association and the International Circulation Managers Association. He also served on various committees of the Inland Daily Press Association.

After 31 years in Rockford, Klusmeier retired in 1972 as assistant secretary and general manager of the daily Morning Star and Register-Republic.

But after a year, Klusmeier and wife Betty moved to Austin where he became publisher of the new daily Austin Citizen. After eight years, he resigned in 1981 and accepted the Kerrville job in his first love, advertising and marketing. He retired April 1 as director of advertising and marketing of the Daily Times, but remains on staff as a management consultant.

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Samuel S. Malone

Samuel S. Malone, columnist for the Sabine County Reporter/Rambler in Hemphill and a correspondent for the Beaumont Enterprise, also began his newspaper career in the 1930s.

A native of Abilene, Malone attended public schools there, Seminole High School and Texas Technological College in Lubbock. He majored in journalism and worked as sports editor and associate editor of the bi-weekly student publication, The Toreador.

He started working with his father at the Seminole Sentinel in 1938.

Eventually, Malone would serve as editor of the Wise County Messenger in Decatur, the Carson County Review in White Deer, the Seminole Sentinel, the Lovington (N.M.) Press, and Drill Bit Magazine in Odessa.

He was sports editor of the Valley Morning Star in Harlingen and managing editor, sports editor and farm editor of The Daily Sentinel in Nacogdoches.

Malone and his wife, Margaret, established the weekly San Augustine Rambler in 1967, and later founded the Hemphill-Pineland Rambler. They sold the newspapers in 1981, but he remained on the editorial staff, contributing his column "Ramblin' Round." He has won numerous writing and editing awards from the TPA and the North and East Texas Press Association.

A member of the U.S. Marine Corps, he served during World War II as an aerial radio-gunner in the South Pacific.

Malone has been named an Honorary Lone Star Farmer by the Texas Association of Future Farmers of America, and a Distinguished Individual Supporter of Texas 4-H Club Youth by the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation.

He served as first executive secretary of the Deep East Texas Development Association, is a past president and a life member of the Texas Outdoors Writers Association. He also remains active in the Outdoors Writers of America.

Malone was a county coordinator for the Texas Sesquicentennial Committee and chairman of the Bicentennial Constitution Committee. He is commander of the Bill Blacksher American Legion Post No. 387, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and a 50-year member of Lions International. He also serves as Emergency Manpower Management Coordinator for San Augustine County.

For 25 years, Malone has been a staff member of the Beaumont Enterprise as correspondent. In 1967, he began daily news broadcasts from his San Augustine office over radio station KDET and over a cable television station. He continues those broadcasts today.

He is active on the Bishop's Committee of Christ Episcopal Church, serving as senior warden and a delegate to the Texas Diocesean Council.

The Sons of the Republic of Texas have benefitted from Malone's service as well. Over the years, he has been elected president of the Alexander Horton Chapter; worked as co-editor of the SRT Texian for two years; and has served as executive committeeman and secretary general. He also made the President General's List and published the SRT Sesquicentennial Yearbook.

He and his wife Margaret have two children and four grandchildren.

Golden 50 — 1987

1987 Recipients

108th Summer Convention, June 26, 1987, The Hershey Hotel, Corpus Christi

William E. Berger, Hondo Anvil Herald
Jeanelle Bryant, Real County American
William H. Dozier, Kerrville Daily Times
Nan Outlar, Wharton Journal-Spectator
Virginia Robey, Wellington Leader
Thomas R. Stagg, Crane News
J.L. "Mike" Werst Jr., Big Lake Wildcat

William E. (Bill) Berger

Bill Berger bean his career during the depression when he started a daily newspaper route in his hometown of Carthage, Illinois. He was 12 years old at the time.

He took the next step up the ladder by becoming a correspondent for Chicago and Peoria daily newspapers. He was in high school then and earned the going rate of a few cents for each column inch that appeared in print.

Bill later attended Carthage College, located in his hometown. At that time, he worked as the college's publicity writer, submitting copy to the local newspaper, the Hancock County Journal.

Following his college years, Bill worked for several Midwestern publications. Included among these re newspapers in lola, Kansas; Rolla, Missouri; and Yankton, South Dakota. He served as circulation manager of each of those newspapers.

His experience during that time included the job of city district manager for the Topeka State Journal, a rather large daily.

Following 18 months in the circulation business, Bill became advertising manager, and later managing editor, of the Tuscola Review, a weekly newspaper in Central Illinois.

About the time he had made a decision to purchase a newspaper, along came World War II, and Bill was sent to Texas for his basic training.

"No man could have been subjected to a worse fate than basic training," Bill thought. But things looked much brighter shortly thereafter when he met a University of Texas coed by the name of Jerry Barnes. She became Mrs. Bill Berger several months later.

Bill was then sent to the South Pacific for a two-year tour of duty as an Army warrant officer. But he kept his hand in journalism by publishing a camp newsletter.

He then returned to the U.S. and Gonzales, Texas, where Jerry was teaching home economics. Bill took a temporary job with the Gonzales Inquirer. A short time later, the Bergers purchased the Hondo Anvil Herald from retiring publisher Fletcher Davis. Their first issue of the Anvil Herald was dated June 7, 1946.

During the next 20 years, additional newspaper purchases by the Bergers included the Zavala County Sentlnal, Carrlzo Springs Javelin, Seguin Enterprise, Waelder Home Paper, Schert-Cibolo Valley News, Randolph AFB Wingspread and the Sabinal Times. They also took this time to have three children.

The Bergers have since sold all of their properties except the Hondo and Sabinal newspapers.

Bill has also had considerable experience in government service. In 1965, he was appointed to the Texas Water Rights Commission by Gov. John Connally. Following that service, he held subsequent jobs with the Water Quality Board, the State Insurance Commission and the Texas Railroad Commission.

But Bill continued to serve as publisher of the Anvil Herald during those 15 years of work with various state agencies. He also helped establish the weekly magazine supplement, the Texas Star during that time.

Meanwhile, Bill refuses to be retired. With his son, Ed, he now owns and operates Associated Texas Newspapers, Inc., an Austin-based newspaper brokerage and consulting firm.

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Jeanelle Bryant

This recipient of TPA's Golden 50 Award actually represents more than a century of service with Texas newspapers.

That's because Mrs. Donald B. (Jeanelle) Bryant was preceded in the receipt of this award by her husband, who was presented his own 50-year award back in 1982.

Jeanelle's entire newspaper career, in fact, has been associated with that of her husband, Donald B. Bryant. They're currently operating the Real County American in Leakey.

The Bryant association first commenced in Tom Bean, Texas, when 15-year-old Jeanelle asked the editor (Donald) of that town's newspaper, The Times, to talk to the school's newspaper staff about journalism. She was editor of her school newspaper at the time.

The years passed, and their acquaintance slowly blossomed from the publication in The Times of various articles by Jeanelle until New Year's Eve of 1935 when they had their first date. They joked later that he had kept her out for an entire year.

A few weeks later, they recall, she and The Times editor were going steady. Then 18 months later, on June 11, 1937, 50 years from this month, they were married.

Returning home from their honeymoon at the Pan American Exposition in Dallas, the Bryants commenced what has been their occupation ever since getting out a newspaper. Their first joint publishing venture was a 4-pager which was totally hand-set.

They've since worked for, owned and/or managed a number of Texas weeklies, semi-weeklies, and small and medium-sized dailies.

In addition to the Tom Bean Times (which they owned), newspapers along that journey have included the Alba Reporter, Mineola Monitor-Record, Leelland Herald Sun-News (which Donald helped convert to a semi-weekly and later, a small daily), Hamlin Herald, Rosenberg Herald-Coaster, Sinton Enterprise, Del Rio News-Herald, Seguin Enterprise, Seguin Gazette-Enterprise andfinally, the Real County American.

Each stop has been an incredible experience.

The Bryants had planned to retire on April 1, 1984. But the very next month, they went to Leakey to temporarily "run" the weekly American. This "running" is now in its fourth year.

Over the years, Jeanelle has done it all, from news and column writing, to composition, to running the presses. There was a time, in fact, that she handled the entire operation of the Sinton Enterprise for almost eight months after her husband suffered a broken arm.

But writing has been her principal responsibility, a chore she's done in the highest of newspaper traditions. She has covered plane, train and car crashes, hurricanes, police news, and politics along with the routine less dramatic but often more important news fronts.

And Jeanelle is good. In fact, her writing won a major first place South Texas Press Association award in 1984.

Says husband Donald: "She was and still is, my good right and left arm."

The Bryants are the parents of four children.

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William E. (Bill) Dozier

The illustrious career of one Golden 50 Award was hardly forecast 50 years ago when 13-year-old William E. (Bill) Dozier began as a printer's devil on his hometown newspaper in Delhi, La.

But when he became that newspaper's editor two years later, at the ripe old age of 15, the ultimate course of a successful journalistic career started falling into shape.

Bill attended college at Louisiana Tech in Ruston, Louisiana, graduating cum laude. The next change of scenery occurred when he entered the Navy to serve as a communications officer during World War II. He served in the Pacific Theater.

Returning home, he then joined The Times-Picayune in New Orleans to serve, first, as a rewrite man and reporter, and later as state editor of community correspondents.

Next, it was back to the Armed Forces and active duty in Korea in the early 1950s.

Returning home after this second hitch, Bill next became editor of the Tyler Courier-Times-Telegraph, a position he held for 12 years. It was during those years that the community-strength side of Editor Bill first made itself known.

While in Tyler, he served as president and board member of such organizations as the YMCA, Youth Foundation, Red Cross and American Cancer Society. He was also a board member of the Marvin United Methodist Church.

In 1964, Bill and his wife, Eleanor, purchased the Kerrville Daily Times, as the first step in a soon-to-be multiple ownership of newspapers in the Hill Country. In addition to the Daily Times, newspapers now included in that ownership are Pearsall Leader, Cotulla Record, Dilley Herald, Boerne Star, Bandera Bulletin and Real County American.

Despite the task of operating these newspapers, Bill also finds time to actively serve such organizations as the Texas Press Association, Texas Daily Newspaper Association, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and the American Newspaper Publishers Association. He is a past president of TPA and has served on the TDNA board of directors. He is currently serving his third term as president of TPA's Texas Newspaper Foundation.

Dozier's personal community service has spanned many areas, as ll., including such varied interests as a regional symphony association, the Red Cross, health associations, work with the Methodist Church, United Fund, a safety commission and the Tyler Rose Festival. He is a past president of the West Texas Chamber of Commerce.

Bill has received too many awards and honors from newspaper and civic groups alike to be listed. But, among the most meaningful to him have been the following:

· George Washington Medal of Honor for editorial writing;

· Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities;

· Outstanding Citizen for contributions made to Kerrville and the Hill Country area;

· 1984 Distinguished Friend of Schreiner College; and

· TDNA's Pat Taggart Award as the 1986 Texas Newspaper Leader of the Year.

Bill and his wife, Eleanor, have two daughters. Carolyn is assistant to the publisher of the Daily Times, and Rebecca is press secretary of the Senate Finance Committee in Washington, D.C.

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Nan Outlar

Nan Outlar has spent the past 50 years carrying on a love affair with her community of Wharton.

The stage for that half-century affair was actually set ten years before she took up pen and paper to begin the Wharton Journal's popular "Nan About Town" column. That occurred when Nan and her young doctor husband first moved to Wharton where he began his medical practice.

Nannie (Nan) Stafford Bennett has always been someone special, even back during her college years at The University of Texas at Austin. That's when she was named the university's "Bluebonnet Bell." Texas A&M, about the same time, appointed Nan as one of their "Vanity Fair" participants.

But along came a young doctor, Leonard Bolton, and the two were married in October 1927. They immediately journeyed to New Orleans for a year's stay before returning to his hometown of Wharton where he commenced practicing medicine.

It was then that Nan, who had family ties to the community, first began a lifetime dedication to betterment of the community. Those family ties date back to the owners of the Wharton newspaper in the early 1880s. Those owners, Dr. Stephen Foote and J.R. Foote, later sold the newspaper to Guy Mitchell in 1893.

A more recent, well-known cousin of Nan's was Horton Foote, the Wharton playwright who penned such works as "Baby The Rain Must Fall," "To Kill A Mockingbird," "Tender Mercies," "Trip to Bountiful" and numerous other hits.

Nan, herself, became an immediate smash hit in Wharton when she commenced writing "Nan About Town" in the Fall of 1937. Her college major was English; therefore, it was an easy task for Nan to combine that knowledge of letters along with an interest in people to produce her readership-compelling column.

The Journal-Spectator's Connie Mabry points out: "Nan's column is a 'must' for Wharton natives and newcomers alike. It is the hope of many to see their names appear in 'Nan About Town,' a signal that they have 'arrived,"

Nan makes this point: "People love to see their names in the paper, and I love to write about people. Can you think of any subject more interesting?"

Nan's column is not your standard "little old lady column," Connie said. For even though Nan is now in her 80s, she's "very hip on what is going on in this old world. She fears no subject, not even the Penthouse pictorial on Vanessa Williams back in August of 1984."

Connie concluded with this observation: "You haven't 'arrived' on the Wharton scene unless you've had your name in Nan's column. Last September, we held a reception for her and over 300 loyal readers made it by the newspaper between 5 and 6:30 p.m to pay homage. Many sent cards, brought remembrances and wanted their photo made with this great lady."

It's obvious that neither Nan, the community nor the newspaper regrets her decision back in 1937 to "put some of her thoughts about people on paper for everyone to read."

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Virginia Robey

Virginia Robey has two unique distinctions in joining the ranks of TPA's 50- year service award winners.

First, she has worked for one newspaper, the Wellington Leader, for the entire half century; and second, she has held the position of editor for that entire period.

Virginia, a native of Oklahoma, first came to Texas during the Depression to attend West Texas State Teachers College at Canyon. She majored in government and minored in pre-law.

Following her graduation, she taught in a rural primary school for one year. That's all the time it required for Virginia to discover that teaching youngsters wasn't exactly her "thing."

She subsequently jumped at the chance to work for and be trained in the newspaper business by the late Deskins Wells, publisher of the Wellington Leader. Her first and only title with the newspaper was, and continues to be, that of editor.

Wells, at that time, held another responsible job. He was serving as executive director of the Texas Press Association, a position he held until the arrival in Texas of the new TPA general manager Vern Sanford in 1947.

TPA was headquartered at Wells' newspaper in Wellington. He also served as publisher of the TPA Messenger and Virginia was the associate editor. She recalls that TPA and Texas Newspaper Publishers Association (now TDNA) held joint conventions during the years of World War II.

Virginia has covered, reported and edited every type of news story imaginable during her career with the Leader. She says the most dramatic change to come to the newspaper industry during her tenure has been the transition from hot type to cold type, and the age of lithography and offset printing.

When she first joined the Leader, most newspapers in the small to medium size communities wre printed on a sheetfed Miehle flatbed press or on an 8-page duplex. Today, the Leader is printed at a central offset plant owned by the Childress Index.

Virginia has also more than earned her stripes as a community leader. She has worked tirelessly with all local organizations and is a past president of the chamber of commerce. She remains a member of the Collingsworth General Hospital Auxiliary.

Henry Wells, son of Deskins and current publisher of The Leader, says: "Virginia has probably covered more board meetings of every description than anyone could possibly imagine. She's a walking book of records, an encyclopedia of city and county history.

"A former mayor once told me that 'this city couldn't possibly do without your editor.' She knows more about past meetings than even our records reveal. She's the authority to whom we go for the real information."

Besides editing the Leader, Virginia also writes the very popular "I Saw" column for the newspaper.

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Thomas R. (Dick) Stagg

Publishing four weekly newspapers during World War II provided the proof that Thomas R. (Dick) Stagg did indeed have "ink in his veins."

And in case you wonder why, then just consider the conditions under which Dick produced a quartet of weeklies:

· His father had died in October, 1941.

· His older brother, Gilpin, had joined the Navy.

· His sister, Elynor, was away at college.

· And most of the employees, including two printers, had joined the Armed Forces to fight the Axis powers.

So Dick and his mother were left with the job of reporter, editor, ad seller, compositor, printer and distributor for those four newspapers in Thomson, Illinois. But Dick had a rich background of experience to do just that... and then some.

While still in grade school, for example, he worked in the backshop doing such things as melting the lead for the Linotypes and casting boxes of hot type production. He also ran the folding machine and even carried the 120-pound finished pages in steel chases to the press for printing. During those years, he became quite familiar with the long hours that are so traditional with publishing, having spent many a Wednesday working all night long to "get the papers out by Thursday morning deadline time."

After World II, Dick's brother, Gilpin, returned to the plant. This allowed Dick to enroll as a journalism student at the University of Missouri. However, that education was interrupted after three years when he was drafted by the Army during the Berlin Airlift. Two years later, Dick was discharged and returned to the family-run newspapers.

The family finally sold these newspapers in 1967, and Dick came to Texas to buy The Crane News from L.C. Welch. He operated The News until January of this year, when he retired.

In the true tradition of all "retired" newspapermen, Dick still keeps his hands in the operation.

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J.L. (Mike) Werst Jr.

J.L. (Mike) Werst Jr. could have claimed his TPA Golden Award for 50 years of newspaper service nine years ago.

That's because this member of the three-generation newspaper Werst family actually started working in a printing plant in Temple in the summer of 1928. The plant, co-owned by his father, J. Lee Werst, was the Central Texas Publishing Co.

But Mike's first regular full-time newspaper job started in 1933 when he became a proofreader for the Temple Morning News. He was attending Temple Junior College at the time. The proofreading job lasted until 1935 when the News was sold to the Temple Daily Telegram.

Following his college years, Mike moved to Dallas to work for the Texas Typesetting Co. for a short period of time.

The next few years saw him taking a journeyman's course in community journalism as he worked his way up the ladder on a variety of newspapers before holding the reins as publisher.

Those moves, which were almost traditional for newsmen and printers during the earlier, lean years of newspapering, saw Mike:

· Move to Hondo in 1938 to work for Fletcher Davis at the Hondo Anvil-Herald;

· Move to Thorndale in 1941 to publish the Champion for V.F. Norris;

· Move to Taylor in 1942 to work for the Taylor Times, which at the time was a wekly owned by Don Scarbrough;

. Move to San Angelo in 1943 to work for the Standard-Times, and finally,

· In November 1945, together with is wife Maurine, purchase the Mertzon Weekly Star from L. L. McFall.

Mike continued working several days a week for the Standard-Times while he operated the Star. On May 1, 1947, Mike and Maurine leased the Big Lake Wildcat from Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Wilson.

They continued operating both newspapers until mid 1947 when they sold the Star back to the McFalls.

Meanwhile, the lease on the Wildcat continued until 1953 when the Wersts purchased the newspaper from Mrs. Wilson following her husband's death. They continued operating the Wildcat together until their son, third newspaper generation David, returned to Big Lake.

Maurine has since retired, but Mike still remains active as publisher of the newspaper.

Mike's career has extended far beyond his own newspaper publishing activities, a statement made obvious by his record of outside professional and civic work.

A past president of the West Texas Press Association, Mike also has been a director and committee member of TPA. He is a long-time member of the Fort Worth Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists/Sigma Delta Chi.

Mike's civic work has included an 18-year directorship and 10-year presidency of the Reagan Hospital Board. He served as chairman of the Big Lake Sesquicentennial coordinating committee, the Reagan County Historical Commission and the Big Lake Salvation Army Service Unit. He has chaired the latter for the past 18 years.

He served as past president and zone chairman three different times for the local Lions Club. He is now serving his 11th year as secretary of that organization. Mike's other memberships include the First Presbyterian Church and the Big Lake Masonic Lodge.

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Golden 50 — 1963-86

Golden 50 recipients awarded from 1963 to 1986

Frances Bridges Brelsford,
Nixon News
Warren Flowers,
Gainesville Record
Victor Fain,
Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel

James Roberts,
Andrews County News
Ben Ezzell,
Canadian Record
B.M. Nelson,
Castro County News
Jay Cullen and Vera Browning,
Orange Leader
Irvin and Bernard McWhorter,
Beeville Bee-Picayune

George W. Hawkes,
Mansfield News-Mirror
Arthur Kowert,
Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

Allein White,
Riesel Rustler
Ed Leach,
Longview News Journal
Don Scarbrough,
Williamson County Sun
William Rawland,
Cleburne Times-Review
Donald McDonald,
Itasca Item

Afton Richards,
Ralls Banner
Carter Snooks,
Kenedy Times
Ima Jo Fleetwood,
Del Rio News-Herald
Donald Bryant,
Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

Gerald Knape,
Texas Posten
Willie Pitts,
Orange Leader

Ellie Hopkins,
Longview News-Journal
George Baker,
Fort Stockton Pioneer
Henry Strauss,
Shiner Gazette

James B. Oswald,
Plainview Daily Herald
Norman S. White Sr.,
Riesel Rustler
Gonzalo R. Uriegas,
Uvalde Leader-News
L.A. Wilke, Austin
May Kavanaugh,
Round Rock Leader

Roy M. Craig,
Stamford American
Lowell C.Welch,
Three Rivers Progress
L.B. Smith,
Brady Standard-Herald
Don Reid Jr.,
Huntsville Item
Robert C. Ford Sr.,
Bartlett Tribune
Earl Morin,
Houston Daily Court Review
W.H. "Bill" Cooke,
Rockdale Reporter

Alma Holekamp Dietel,
Fredericksburg Radio-Post
Norman J. Dietel,
Fredericksburg Radio-Post
Ruel Morris Smiley,
Panola Watchman
Wendell Wallace Wright,
Rosebud News
Jack Hawkins,
Groesbeck Journal
Jack Franklin,
Groesbeck Journal
Herschiel L. Hunt,
El Campo Leader-News
Howard J. Behrent,
Falfurrias Facts
Bob Bray,
Marble Falls Messenger
George Bridges,
Flatonia Argus
Sam Wood,
Austin American-Statesman

Ray Nichols,
Vernon Record
J.C. Phillips,
Borger News-Herald
William Turner Harwell,
Hays Co. Citizen

C.E. Stannard,
Austin American-Statesman
J.B. Quigley,
Orange Leader

Mrs. F.L.Weimar,
Alto Herald
Mamie Lee Carter,
Alto Herald
Harlan Fentress,
Waco Tribune-Herald

1973 no award

Olin E. Hinkle, Journalism Department, The University of Texas at Austin
Phill McMullen,
McKinney Courier-Gazette

Frank P. Hill,
Lynn County News
Kathleen Hill Becknall,
Rains County Leader
J.E. Laney Sr.,
Bowie County News
Paul Ord,
Childress Reporter
Silas B. Compton,
Mount Enterprise Progress
James F. Bray,
Kingsville Record
Barnes H. Broiles,
Cherokee County Banner
William Weeg,
Austin American-Statesman
George R. Huckaby,
Iowa Park Herald
George W. Grant,
Deport Times
Hal Hiller,
Childress Reporter
Edgar R. Hays,
Nocona News

1966-1970 no awards

James E. Byrd,
Brenham Banner-Press
Mrs. Ross Woodall,
Huntsville Item
Mrs. Sam Fore Jr.,
Floresville Chronicle-Journal

Camp Ezell,
Beeville Bee-Picayune
L.R. Ables,
Cleveland Advocate
J.L. Suits,
Petersburg Journal
Nev Williams,
Winkler County News
Claude C. Travis,
Garrison News
Margaret Moore,
Beeville Bee-Picayune
L.H. Bridges,
Luling Signal

Walter Buckner,
San Marcos Record
Sam Fore Jr.,
Floresville Chronicle-Journal
Luther Harbin,
Texas Mesquiter
O.C. Harrison, Baylor County Banner
R.B. Haynes,
Miami Chief
Webster F. Hays,
San Augustine Tribune
Barney Hubbs,
Pecos Independent-Enterprise
H. M. Stanley Mohle Sr.,
Lockhart Post-Register
J. Louis Mohle Sr.,
Lockhart Post-Register
Annie Reese,
Gonzales Inquirer
Henry C. Richards,
West Side Reporter
R.N. Robison,
Royse City American
Mrs. Frank L. Weimar,
Alto Herald
J. Claude Wells,
Memphis Democrat
W.S. Foster,
Waco Citizen
Charles B. Hall,
McGregor Mirror
Edward B. Harris Sr.,
Graham Leader

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