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TPA President Jim Bardwell

Enough is ENOUGH

I was prepared to write a column this month about the need for more transparency in government and a call to action by newspaper publishers to reach out to their state and national legislators and strengthen relationships ahead of future battles in Austin and Washington.
I was prepared to write about many things that were newspaper related.
But all that went out the window after news of the Uvalde shootings erupted.
Nineteen children and two teachers are dead.
Let me repeat that – 21 people (19 of them elementary children) are dead in South Texas.
How many more children must die before we stand up and say enough is enough?
We all think it can never happen to us, but it has happened to one of our TPA family members. A reporter of the Uvalde paper lost a child in that senseless shooting.
Now, I have experienced loss – recently. And it hurts so very much. But I can’t image losing a child who was simply attending school and probably looking forward to summer vacation.
Folks, something has to be done. This stupidity can’t continue.
And we, as the voice and conscience of our communities, need to step up and demand change.
I’m not asking for a ban on guns and the removal of the Second Amendment – I’m not going to go there. I’m not an anti-gun person. I have many guns.
All I want is to replace one or two warships or fighter jets for better mental health care throughout the country. It is obvious a person who would kill innocent children is unstable and in need of care.
Prevention is the key to curbing these ridiculous acts of violence.
And we need to spearhead this need.
If not us, who will make it happen?
If not us, where will the next shooting happen? In my town or your town? 
We need to have a serious conversation on this at July’s TPA convention in San Marcos. Please come so we can discuss this cancer that is spreading across our nation and talk about ways to make a difference.
Making a difference and making people see the truth – that’s what newspapers are for. That’s why we exist. We need to cut through all the political BS and put the faces of those children at the forefront. 
Their lives were cut short. We need to make sure no more children are deprived of a long life and fulfillment of dreams and wishes.
I know this isn’t the normal TPA president’s column, and I don’t mean to offend any of my fellow newspaper family members. 
But we have to stand together and say enough is enough.