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Committed to serving Texas newspapers

I am honestly confused about how I ended up as the president of the Texas Press Association.

Let me first say that I will do everything in my power to deliver on your trust and confidence in me. Secondly, I will need a lot of help from my friends.

By Leonard Woolsey, TPA President

In the proverbial tool shed of life, there are sharp, blunt and curious tools no one is quite sure what they might be good for. I consider myself a card-carrying member of the latter.

With this appointment by you, I now find myself standing alongside a long row of highly talented and capable leaders dating back to 1880 when J.W. Fishburn, publisher of the Mexia Ledger, stepped up for the newly-formed organization.

In the originating association document, Mr. Fishburn promised to uphold the following mission: “the promotion of the welfare of the Texas press, the elevation of its character, the inculcation of the feeling of harmony and the protection of its rights.”

Here we are, 142 years and 144 presidents later, and our collective charge has not changed one iota.

Each day, we hit the streets working to ensure we have a profitable and sustainable business model, a product judged by truth and self-accountability, and the constant fight to shine the light on the public’s right to know what its government is doing.

And through those years, Texas newspapers have faced wars, supply shortages and slippery elected officials who’d rather not talk about the public’s business.

Today we see record price increases in newsprint, supplies and wages. Yet, each day is another day we fight for the ability to serve our communities. Each day we work to lay another brick in the pathway to sustainability.

By Leonard Woolsey, TPA President

If you think about it, not all that much has changed in 142 years. Our calling is clear – to deliver on the oversized responsibility we owe to our community, democracy and nation.

We face challenges. Many are gut-wrenching. Others are seemingly insurmountable. But in the end, I believe we will prevail. Why? Because newspaper people always find a way.

The Texas Press Association is not a country club but a group of extremely hard-working individuals and families. We are a group of people with an oversized “give a damn” DNA gene. If something difficult or unpleasant needs to be said or done – no matter how large or small – we are the people who always step up.

A true Texas publisher does not wear fancy cufflinks to work – they arrive sleeves rolled up, shoes or boots pulled on, and ready for anything the day may bring.

Which brings me back to my opening statement – compared to folks from J.W. Fishburn to Jim Bardwell, I recognize I’ve big shoes to fill. And in some cases, a pair of mid-heel pumps.

But regardless, know I am committed to delivering for you, your newspapers, your employees and the citizens of Texas.

I might not be the sharpest or most powerful tool in the shed, but I promise I will give you everything I have for TPA and its members for us to be successful. And with the help of friends like Chairman Jim Bardwell and president-elect Ken Esten Cooke, I’m sure we will all be successful.

Thank you for being so supportive and generous on behalf of your communities and newspapers. You make an essential difference in the lives of so many. I am proud to serve alongside you.

May God Bless Texas, and God Bless Texas newspapers.